Well tomorrow is the final presentation and I am very nervous. I know that if I think about the nerves they will happen, but I am trusting in myself that I can do amazing even if it means sweating and turning red in front of many people. I just have to feel confident. I am planning on writing down index cards with the questions and have a brief sentence to get my mind started just incase I stumble on my thoughts. I just hope I get a decent grade for my presentation.

Well there aren't many things to tell to Highlander to improve on, but there are those small things that would make life a little more enjoyable.
1. Please get stronger and smoother toilet paper.
2.Please make sure you tighten up your security. Many things get stolen or taken throughout the year.
3. Relates to number 2, please try to get lockers for the sake of security. Start off small and then gradually increase in quantity. You should do them for the 5,6,7 and 8th grades. You should start off with 7th and 8th then spread down to 6th and maybe 5th.
4. Please allow Gum or Mints for the sake of fresh breath. Some people suffer from stomach problems that result in bad breathes. No one wants to smell bad breath so please try to allow it.
With all of these things put into play I think Highlander would be an even more enjoyable place than it already is.

 Farewell Highlander. I now leave you a new class to handle and to take care of. To nurture and to create new leaders like you always do. Farewell to my fellow peers. I now leave Highlander so that now someone else could enjoy the 8th grade and so that they can have the chance to become leaders and a school icon. Okay, now for the good stuff. Things to Do and Not to Do:
1. Please don't get into drama with other people. Just confront the person in a peaceful manor and address your issue. If the other person is disrespectful then just walk away.
2. Listen to the teachers. Follow their rules and don't question them, they aren't the ones who imply the rules but rather the ones that who enforce them. Please don't retaliate and disrespect them, they want the best for you.
3. Try not to get into love affairs. It is just another distraction and it will throw you off balance.
4. Complete your all of your work and make it the best that it can be. Don't give in sloppy work. Everything that you hand in will reflect what kind of person you are. To be able to get into a good high school you need to have great grades. The first 3 quarters are the most important of all because this is when you would be applying for schools. The 4th quarter is important to so don't slack off.
5. Enjoy your last year because once this year ends you will never be able to fix things or do things. If you ruin your reputation you won't be able to fix it. You would have to start all over. Make the best out of it please that is all I ask.
Now enjoy the 8th grade. I’ll be back!

Here are 5 people who have inspired me and why:
1. My Mom- She has showed me how you can come from a low-income family and still have a great education.
2. My Dad- He has showed me how to be myself no matter what others thought. Be free and be happy.
3.Ms. Simpson- She taught me the way of nonviolence. I now use some of the ways of nonviolence in every part of my life.
4.Mrs. Grant- She showed me how not to give up even if the odds are against you, even if the road ahead looks tough. She showed me how to keep going no matter what. Anything is possible as long as you put your mind to it.
5.Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.- He showed me how things can be changed if you out your mind and soul to it. Shows how anything can be changed with the power of will.

 I think I've had the best times of my life here at Highlander. Here are my top ten Highlander memories from least best to best favorite memory.
10. I shadowed Highlander for the second time. I had a chance to swing at our annual piñata.
9. Going outside to play around the giant green garbage disposer at Greely st.
8. Having after-school homeroom with Mr. Seth.
7. When I first met Mr. Wolf. He showed me a snail through a magnified lens. You could see its heart beating in its shell.
6. When Beatrice screamed because the Cockroaches escaped from the tank. I called it the Great Escape.
5.When I tripped over the trashcan in 6th grade. I stepped on it and not in it. It was a small metal trash not the big black ones.
4. When I brought papers up to Ms.Simpson during the winter break before I started at Highlander.
3. When I met Cynthia Ruiz (Good Friend of Mine) for the first time. It was during after-school in 4th grade.
2. Farm school was very fun. I remember going up into the hayloft and just hang out with my friends, joking and playing around.
1.This memory spot is being reserved for the D.C trip and for the Graduation Ceremony

The article is very interesting. It made me think about all the things you can do to help others. At the same time you are helping yourself by doing community service hours. If you enjoy doing the service you can continue to help even if you don't need to complete community service hours. I really like one activity that the article mentioned. It said that you could join organizations that intrigue you. For example one organization they talked about helps people in need by building them a new home or a place to sleep. I would enjoy building homes even though it has nothing to do with my career. I can't wait!!!

Well this project has made me think about my future. As of now I have two more weeks to perfect this project and about 4 years to prepare for college, but I'm not worried. I have my personal statement which I can save and use when ever I apply to colleges and I already have and idea on what I would like to do for a career. If this doesn't give and I don't become an aerospace engineer I'll become some type of engineer.Cough Cough Weapons Engineer Cough Cough. Well as of now I thank you Ms. Simpson, but the journey isn't over yet. Am I right or am I wrong?
Picture of the Aerospatiale-BAC Concorde
I've been searching up aircraft designs on the Internet. There are a lot of different designs from different people around the world. Some have gone into production and others have never seen the light of day. There are two particular designs that caught my attention. One aircraft that caught my attention was the Aerospatiale-BAC Concorde. The Concorde has a very futuristic design to it. It used to be a commercial airline jet that could reach supersonic speeds. The Concorde had a very sleek body and had a beak like nose. The nose was curved down because it made the Concorde easier to accelerate and easier to slow down on landing. Another aircraft that caught my attention was the McDonnell Douglas A-12 Avenger II. This Aircraft never went into service or production. This Stealth like designed craft has a triangular shaped body and has no sharp edges to it. The key feature that caught my eye of this ship was the futuristic inspiration that it had. It had foldable wings and was very small compared to other crafts at the time. The project was later cancelled and it has since never been revisited.

I've been thinking about the career presentation. I know as of now that we are going to have 5 minutes up in front of the crowd and we are going to have to explain our career and all that, but I need something Interesting to show them about my career. Once again my career is aerospace engineering. I was thinking of making a model of maybe a design/prototype aircraft and explain the process I took in making the model. I was also thinking of making a RC plane, but the problem is that there is a lack of resources, money and technical knowledge. I might end up making a prototype model and just explain what I did. I don't know lets see I still have about 2 weeks to go. Which also relates to my career. "Project Deadlines".

Looking at the recent post by National Geographic made me think. How would anyone be able to keep up with technology if no one mentions a thing about it? Take the SR-71 for example. It was manufactured in the 1960s. It can travel at Mach 3+ speeds (3x the speed of sound). It has Stealth like body design. It makes you think, if we had this technology in the 60s what do we have now 50 years later. Do we have Mach 11 aircraft, do we have aircrafts that are invisible to the naked eye and not just to radar, or do we have robotic pilots instead of human. It makes you think is there anything else that is being kept as a secret, and if yes when will we find out about.