Picture of the Aerospatiale-BAC Concorde
I've been searching up aircraft designs on the Internet. There are a lot of different designs from different people around the world. Some have gone into production and others have never seen the light of day. There are two particular designs that caught my attention. One aircraft that caught my attention was the Aerospatiale-BAC Concorde. The Concorde has a very futuristic design to it. It used to be a commercial airline jet that could reach supersonic speeds. The Concorde had a very sleek body and had a beak like nose. The nose was curved down because it made the Concorde easier to accelerate and easier to slow down on landing. Another aircraft that caught my attention was the McDonnell Douglas A-12 Avenger II. This Aircraft never went into service or production. This Stealth like designed craft has a triangular shaped body and has no sharp edges to it. The key feature that caught my eye of this ship was the futuristic inspiration that it had. It had foldable wings and was very small compared to other crafts at the time. The project was later cancelled and it has since never been revisited.

Miniature model of the McDonnell Douglas A-12 Avenger II
Ms. S
5/23/2011 01:51:01 am

You should include a picture of it; sounds advanced but cool!


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