
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

You first have to submit an application. The application then goes to a selection committee where they discuss and decide the applicants who are accepted and those who aren't.

It is located in Cambridge, MA

Some courses that relate to my career are:
-Aerospace engineering
-Aerospace engineering with Information technology
-Mechanical engineering

Tuition and Fees
Tuition is $20,230 per term
Other fees are:
-Student Activitiy Fee, per term $136 Application Fee: Undergraduate $75
-Application Fee: Graduate and Special (including Sloan School of Management Doctoral program) $75
-Application Fee: Sloan School of Management Master’s Degree Programs $250
-Late pre-registration; late registration; late change in registration; late degree application $50
-Very late degree application; very late pre-registration $85
-Very late registration; late application for non-resident doctoral status  $100
-Library thesis processing fee: doctoral degrees (includes $50 for scanning and processing and $65 for abstracting)  $115
-Library thesis processing fee: All other advanced degrees (scanning and processing) $50

They have:
-MIT Scholarships
-State Scholarships
-Federal Grants
-Outside or Private Scholarships

Student Organizations
There are more than 450 student groups
Some of them are:
--13SEAS Student Engineering Association
-Alpha Chi Omega
-Alpha Omega, MIT
-Association of Puerto Rican Students
-Association of Students Activities
-Astropreneurs Club
-Caribbean Club
-Competitive Robotics Club, MIT

School Performance
Ranked #1 School of Engineering in the world!

Personal Statement

Life is hard. Life is like a roller coaster, it has its up and it’s downs. It starts and you never want it to end, but eventually it will. You have to enjoy every second of it and try to make the best of it. Well that’s what I’ve tried to do. It isn’t always easy but sometimes you have to stand up to the bad and stare at it in the eyes and laugh.